P30, P50 & P75 Oil Hydraulic Pumps and Motors- Gear Housing Mounts

P30, P50 & P75 Oil Hydraulic Pumps and Motors- Gear Housing Mounts
November 11, 2019 Comments Off on P30, P50 & P75 Oil Hydraulic Pumps and Motors- Gear Housing MountsP30, P50 & P75 Oil Hydraulic Pumps and Motors- Gear Housing Mounts
These charts and diagrams show the different types of mountings for the P30 pump.
If your codes are in black they have SAE threads.
If they are in color then it is in metric threads.
1/2″ & 3/4″ gear sections can come without porting for secondary pumps.
Code 1/2″ gear is ABOS (in black)
ABOS (in color)
Code 1/2″ gear is ABO7 in black
ABO7 in color
And NPT threads are not needed for the use at pressure that is higher than 100 bar and 7500 PSI.
If you need answers about this unit, give us a call at 800-361-0068
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