P30, P50 & P75 Oil Hydraulic Pumps and Motors – Kinds of Splined Drive Shafts

P30, P50 & P75 Oil Hydraulic Pumps and Motors – Kinds of Splined Drive Shafts
November 8, 2019 Comments Off on P30, P50 & P75 Oil Hydraulic Pumps and Motors – Kinds of Splined Drive ShaftsP30, P50 & P75 Oil Hydraulic Pumps and Motors – Kinds of Splined Drive Shafts
These diagrams show what model code uses what kind of drive shafts. It shows the configurations for different models. Also make sure you check with your dealer to know which coupling partners for what shaft.
And on the P50 model the code 11 is integral with the gear and has no outboard bearing unless you have a radial load. Then again the code 11 on a P75 it is not integral with the gear and must have an outboard bearing. And the shafts PL factor perimeter to 8000.
So if you need help with configurations on these drive shafts, give us a call.
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