C3000-84-200D Single Acting Hydraulic Cylinder

C3000-84-200D Single Acting Hydraulic Cylinder
March 8, 2021 Comments Off on C3000-84-200D Single Acting Hydraulic CylinderThis is a 30,000 Series single acting hydraulic cylinder. There are some key characteristics of this cylinder that are worth noting.
The operating pressure go to 2000 psi. The plunger diameters go from 2: to 9.375″. It has lifting range to 138,2000 lbs. The pin eyed mountings are rather typical with trunionn types feasible for this unit.
With every regular single acting telescopic cylinder that come from the factory with automated air bleeders, which gets rid of doing it manually.
The seal and bearing cartridge are adjustable. Each of the outboard bearing rings and pliable sealing rings are telfon lubricated that lesson the friciton drag that eliminates the wear and tear on the seals and bearings.
These cylinders also offer replaceable plunger guide rings, that are made to be lubricated and made of a compound material for long uses. The retainer rings are used in combination with the piston to be locked in the grooves when it is completely elongated.
The dual lip wiper is a dirt wiper that gives a better way of keeping the dirt out of the way.
If you need to order or need more info on this cylinder, call us at 800-361-0068