P50/P51 Tandem Pumps With Built In Unloading Valves

P50/P51 Tandem Pumps With Built In Unloading Valves
March 30, 2020 Comments Off on P50/P51 Tandem Pumps With Built In Unloading ValvesP50/P51 Tandem Pumps With Built In Unloading Valves
Pressure Sensitive Unloader Pumps
There are sensing valves that have cross connected when you use tandem pumps with the use of unloaders on the same engine. These valves are sensitive to pressure. They have the use of an extra port so that the relief valve housings can take in a pilot signal when it is on opposite ends of the unloading pump. When you have cross sensing like that you can have higher pressure on one circuit and have still have constant speed on the other one. Relief valves preferences can be set ahead of time to a certain pressure in each of the circuits so that you can unload a section both pumps or either of them. This helps with the wear and tear on the pumps horsepower regimen and lets you use a more operational engine to be put on.
Valve Bank Unloader Inlets
You can have circuits that cross connect tandem pumps that have separate valve banks that both have unloader inlets. This will allow flow from a section of either or both pumps to be unloaded by settings you selected beforehand. Unloader valves can be done in to inlets of 65 gpm, 85gpm and 125 gpm D-line valves for preferences at pressures of 2500 PSI., so the pressure can flow from one section of the tandem pump at setting you have already selected for it.
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