Vickers V100,V200, V300, V400, V500 and V2P Series Hydraulic Vane Pump

Vickers V100,V200, V300, V400, V500 and V2P Series Hydraulic Vane Pump
June 8, 2021 Comments Off on Vickers V100,V200, V300, V400, V500 and V2P Series Hydraulic Vane PumpMake sure you seal up and put caps on all your lines so that dirt and debris don’t get into your system again. When you take this unit apart, pay close attention to your parts, so that you know how to put them together again. You may want to mark the fittings (1,2,3 or a,b,c) so you can put it back the same way. If your bearings don’t need to be replaced then don’t mess with them, as they are pressed into body of the unit.
While you have your unit apart, check your plates for wear and any other parts like a shaft for the vanes to have burrs or broken ones. Always put new seal, gaskets and orings when you put the unit back together. Orings or gaskets could have nicks in them and will cause it not to seal and it will leak.
When you are hammering out the shaft be gentle as not to break the shaft or the vanes. Always check or scoring on your rotor or pressure plates. You can remove burrs from the shaft or cover bore by polishing it, if not they will need to be replaced.
Same way with putting it back together. Put your housing back and any other parts back with the markings you made on them. Watch putting seals back on as not to pinch your o rings or tear your gaskets. Put grease on your unit where it needs it.
If you need questions answered about this unit, call us at 800-361-0068