Sundstrand Sauer Danfoss Hydraulic Series 40 – A Remote Filtration Option

Sundstrand Sauer Danfoss Hydraulic Series 40 – A Remote Filtration Option
August 15, 2018 Comments Off on Sundstrand Sauer Danfoss Hydraulic Series 40 – A Remote Filtration OptionSundstrand Sauer Danfoss Series 40 Remote Filtration Option
On the new model the measurements are 4.93 PV & 5.49 PT.
On this model there is no charge pump option.
Pumps affected by this are the M46 & M91 tandem pumps.
The new model is interchangeable with the older housing.
If you have a charge pressure monitor attached to the adapter block, you too could be affected by the change.
The new style doesn’t have a filter inlet gauge port. But you could have one if you attached a tee on the port leading to the remote filter.
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