Sundstrand Sauer Danfoss Series 40 M46 Auxiliary Pad Cover Seat Change

Sundstrand Sauer Danfoss Series 40 M46 Auxiliary Pad Cover Seat Change
October 25, 2017 Comments Off on Sundstrand Sauer Danfoss Series 40 M46 Auxiliary Pad Cover Seat ChangeSundstrand Sauer Danfoss Series 40 M46 Auxiliary Pad Cover Seat Change
The change to this is that there is no longer an oring under the pad cover that seals off an auxiliary pump. The new style has a square cut ring that is made to seal the pad cover will it is being used. If you are still reusing the pad cover will have to supply your own orings.
The size of the oring is 70 durometer by 103″ cross section and 3.234 ID with arp 568 uniform dash number -152.
The part number for the old style cover with oring is 90004100-1520.
If you need further help with this, please call us at
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