Oil Hydraulic Single & Multiple Pumps 315 Series

Oil Hydraulic Single & Multiple Pumps 315 Series
January 15, 2020 Comments Off on Oil Hydraulic Single & Multiple Pumps 315 SeriesOil Hydraulic Single & Multiple Pumps 315 Series
These pumps are made out of cast iron, that is because it has more strength and last longer. The drive gears and shafts are molded to be one piece, so it gives highest essence of durability. All the parts are made and machined to the highest level of precision to give the part it’s strength for the job at hand.
These charts give you the mountings, rotations and drives of the 315 series. And it gives output and input pressures.
So if you need further info on this subject, give us a call and we will be glad to answer your questions.
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