Different Types of Pressure Lubrication

Different Types of Pressure Lubrication

Different Types of Pressure Lubrication

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Different Types of Pressure Lubrication

The most widely used is pressure circulating lubricating systems. It uses the lower section of the equipment as a sump pump, called a wet sump. It is taken out of the sump by means of an internal or external oil pump that is pressurized. It then takes the oil different locations on the machine where oil is needed. The means by which it does this is by external piping or internal drilled oil passages, or it could use both methods.

Another method used is the dry sump it doesn’t require an oil pump. You use these types of pumps when the machine itself doesn’t have space for an oil pump, for different processes. But the oil pump is located somewhere next to the machine. Return lines distribute the lubrication in and out of the machine.

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